10 Simple Ways Surfers Can Go Plastic Free

10 Simple Ways Surfers Can Go Plastic Free

10 Simple Ways Surfers Can Go Plastic Free

why go plastic free?

For a long time the world has seen pictures and videos of rubbish piling up on to beach all over the world floating in the water of desert islands or even the great pacific garbage patch creating an impenetrable trash island. this has been brought to our attention even more recently from David Attenborough Groundbreaking documentary blue planet. this was views by millions in the UK and are got huge media attention and got regular views like you and me asking what can i do to help how can i stop adding to this problem. now there are a few things that can help like getting organised with your local surfers against sewage community organising or participating in beach cleans as well as spreading the word or picking up 2 bits of rubbish every time you at the beach, that makes a big difference. but how can we a people and more specifically surfers make a difference and stop adding to the already huge amount of plastic waste in the ocean


Making a conscious effort to avoid were possible single use plastics like plastic bags disposable coffee cups and knives and forks are just some of the culprits We are a species that largely thrives on progress, which isn’t necessarily the worst trait in the world. But we are also a species that can’t get enough of a good thing, which often leads to the good thing becoming a bad thing. Our unquenchable lust for innovation leads us to mindlessly push matters to the extreme, and then push some more and more and more. We can’t seem to help ourselves!

Plastic hasn’t always been the villain of the story tho from its creation in 1907 it was a revolutionary product that gave us such a malleable and shape-able material that had incredible durability it made everything from unbreakable baby cups and toys to military vehicle parts and household objects. this increase in production became a massive 288 million tons of plastic  made globally in 2012. and this equates to over Eight million tons of plastic that’s ends up in the ocean every year; can you just imagine the sheave volume and what that does to marine life. That’s roughly the equivalent of five grocery bags per every foot of coastline across the planet. and it doesn’t just affect the ocean creatures as it starts from the smallest organism in the food chain a lot of seafood based products have now be found to contain traces of plastic in as a recent studies suggest that over 700 species of marine wildlife have reportedly ingested plastic, according to National Geographic. not only this but scientist predict that 99 percent of seabirds by 2050 will have ingested some kind of plastic.

Now you might say plastic isn’t the problem it’s what we do with it when we are finished that’s the problem. well if you don’t make something that last for 500-1000 years and it potentially toxic for a single use product and it was replaced my a more organic biodegradable product of totally reinvented would that be a better way to produce a more Eco friendly product with less impact on the world?

If plastic  isn’t recycle into something else it goes into landfill or as you have seen in blue planet II it ends up in the ocean to the ocean. no you may ask the question why does it end up in the ocean good question


In a lot of westernised countries plastic will end up in the ocean because of the following reasons not recycles or properly disposed of, litter rubbish, landfills, waterways industrial leakage and down our drains.

How Much Plastic ? – a lot .. just in Litter alone there is over 12 million tonnes of plastic waste somehow finding its way into the ocean every year, if you want perspective it’s about the equivalent of a rubbish truck full of plastic dumping its entire load in to the sea every minute so by the time you finished reading this blog about 6 dumper trucks would have loaded all their plastic waste in to the sea.

  • Not a lot of plastic is being recycled – yep even with today modern technology a majority of today’s plastics can be recycled  with only about 9% of all plastic ever produced being recycled, that give you an idea about were the other 91% are. the rest end up in the ocean and landfill.
  • Discarded Plastic litter –  how many times do you walk down the street and see a plastic lined coffee cup with a plastic lid or a plastic bottle or plastic bag being blow about probably most day if you live in a town or a city. if it’s not collected it usually ends up in a drain eventually leading to the drainage system or blown in to the sea. you may have seen the sheer mass of rubbish left across the UK beach in the summer it’s not hard to think that that can all easily get blown in the sea and be floating around for hundreds of years to come  to the discarded plastic on beaches and towns can be blown into drainage systems and rivers that end up in the sea.
  • Down our drains – yep even down the plug hole tiny plastic microbeads, baby wipes, tampons, clothes fibers  all end up down the drain from households.
  • Industrial comercial leakage – plastics not being disposed of properly and escaping during the production/transportation process.


You might think it’s impossible to go plastic free as a surfer , you might think there is just too much of it in our daily lives. well companies and business are pretty savvy if they see people aren’t buying their products because its got plastic in or demand a plastic alternative or they won’t purchase of refusal to partake in the service of companies will soon change so why no strive for that plastic free life and if you follow out 10 tips and make a few small changes think how much plastic you might save in 1 year and maybe your friends and family will follow. One person can make a difference and it’s a lot easier than you think.


    Every year is it estimated that around 500 billion plastic bags are used globally. and that means more than one million bags are used every 60 seconds. where do end up ? a lot ends up in the ocean.

    Plastic container

    • Plastic bags
    • Single use Coffee cups
    • Single use plastic knife and forks
    • Paper plates
    • Plastic bottle
    • Plastic cleaning spray bottle
    • Shampoo – conditioner – body wash
    • Squeeze ketchup bottle (opt for the glass one


      Every year is it estimated that around 500 billion plastic bags are used globally. and that means more than one million bags are used every 60 seconds. where do end up ? a lot ends up in the ocean.

      Plastic container

      • Plastic bags
      • Single use Coffee cups
      • Single use plastic knife and forks
      • Paper plates
      • Plastic bottle
      • Plastic cleaning spray bottle
      • Shampoo – conditioner – body wash
      • Squeeze ketchup bottle (opt for the glass one


        Buying bottled water in the UK seems pretty absurd when you think about it especially when you realise pretty much all taps have to be suitable for human consumption and almost across all of the UK every person has access to free drinking water plastic bottle are some of the worst culprits for plastic pollution as soon as you have used it its unless and it’s not meant to be reused. why not use a glass/ metal or even bamboo bottle and keep it on you even a plastic reusable bottle is better than nothing you won’t just save plastic you will save the pounds not buying expensive water.


        No some people are pretty picky about surfboard wax and i get it you want the best traction possible for your stick but every choice you make has repercussions a lot of surf waxes are sold with a plastic wrapping which usually cannot be recycled  and a lot of waves are petroleum based meaning they made of the same stuff as plastic and when that wax come off in the water it can affect marine life, you might not think it’s much but with enough surfers over time your wax can create quite a problem for the marine life.

        way not try to find a Eco-friendly, no plastic wax that can biodegrade and is from a more organic source. Most companies now have it as an option so give it a try.

        1. beeswax surf wax
        2. hemp surf wax
        3. soy surf  wax


         Something that we all might be guilty of is shower gels, shampoos and conditioners. these plastic bottles on average take 450 years to decompose !! and it’s not just us hotels Holiday apartment all offer tiny little plastic bottle that might last a few days at most. these plastic bottle clutter up the shower or bath and inevitably run out and end up in landfill or the ocean this excessive packaging can add up for some  family’s i know that go through 1 bottle of shower gel a week that’s a lot of extra plastic that can be avoided.

        Soap bars have been around for hundreds of years and it’s time to bring them back organic and non toxic company like Lush make some incredibly  shampoo & conditioner bars that smell amazing. They made from all natural products using ingredient like lemon and limes so you smell super fresh  also encouraging recycle of the small amount of plastic they use in their stores.

        Convenience foods are among the worst culprits for excessive packaging waste. Frozen foods come wrapped in plastic and packaged in cardboard, which is often lined with plastic, too. There’s not any way around it; it’s a shopping habit that will have to go if you’re serious about ditching plastic.


        Plastic toothbrushes are the devil and the dental industry is taking note it take roughly 250- 300 years for a toothbrush to decompose. Now if were are to listen to the national dental association we should replace our toothbrush every 3-4 months  so the average person will have 3-4 toothbrushes a year times that by 60 million people that live in the UK and you got a whole lot of plastic waste. Switching to a biodegrade one you can throw it on the compost heap when your finished or even if it does end up in the ocean it will break down a whole lot quicker i would recommend a bamboo toothbrush as they very strong and  very sustainable.

        7) GET A BAG

        This is a pretty self explanatory one but some many of us still don’t do it. using plastic bags for a one time use is one of the worst for ocean health when you go shopping next get yourself a couple of hessian or big rucksacks or even a bag for life if you have to just whatever happens don’t get a plastic bag  


        This is a pretty self explanatory one but some many of us still don’t do it. using plastic bags for a one time use is one of the worst for ocean health when you go shopping next get yourself a couple of hessian or big rucksacks or even a bag for life if you have to just whatever happens don’t get a plastic bag  


        If you washing your body or the plates get yourself a plastic free scrubber, opting for a wood and bamboo Bristles or adding a scour or a cooper brush to your arsenal will give you some extra power. for the softer stuff you the good old cotton dishcloth you will save on the disposable sponges and plastic brushes and know you helping keep some plastic out of the ocean.


        Being plastic free isn’t about committing your entire life to never using plastic again otherwise you might end up living in the woods on your own . it’s all about small steps to getting rid of a lot of the unnecessary plastic specifically single use. so next time you at a party and there are plastic cups maybe ask for a glass or take your own. another situation might be if you are on the run at your favourite Coffee palace take your own coffee cup. Most stores offer 10-20% off if you do so you be saving the pennies and the ocean at the same time.

        let us know if you though this blog was helpful or if you would like to make similar blogs or talk about different subjects


        *Decomposing times are approximates as varying conditions/factors have to be taken into account.

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        The Widowmaker has been our stable surf sup for the south coast waves mostly in the autumn-winter or using at places like Saunton sand in the summer. it’s our wave sup that is just so easy to ride but with all the major performance features of a lower volume and thinner surf sup.

        Surf sups should be fun to ride they need rapid response time in turns, be able to create speeds fast and still perform to a high level these are all crucial to this sup and we have tried to include all those major parts in the widowmaker.

        The Widowmaker is one of our favourites for average waves up to head height but what would the team at SUP mage think.

        Tez Thought on the 9’1 Widowmaker Surf SUP

        “We tested the SBS Widow Maker 8’3” back in 2015. As the brand continues to evolve and add more sizes/shapes to its range we got hold of the biggest in the WM line to put through its paces”

        “The 9’1” comes in similar looking wood reveal livery with five fin boxes allowing it to be tuned for conditions. At 32” wide it’s certainly stable but don’t be fooled into thinking this is to the detriment of performance.”

        “Even before a wave has been ridden you can feel the WM’s loose attributes beneath your feet”

        Supplied FCS fins were pretty good and as a quad set up the 9’1”’s tracking is fine. To improve this, and therefore get out to the peak earlier (or paddle any distance), a thruster configuration with larger centre skeg helps. But obviously, changing fins will alter surfing performance. For the most part we stuck with quads.

        Speed down the line is cracking and those quad fins do bite. It’s a simple process of banging in a bottom turn and red lining back up to the lip. Even with such a voluminous board underfoot manoeuvres can be fairly critical.

        Vertical hits are possible as are full on roundhouse cutbacks back into the pocket, the Widow Maker’s speed coming back into play having finished off your move.

        While the WM 9’1” works fine in smaller conditions it actually likes a bigger more open face to play with.

        If you enjoy full rail carves and racing sections down the line it’s an efficient SUP for this.

        That said it’s still a rewarding SUP to ride in the types of conditions most paddlers come up against. Bigger boned riders will find it a good fit for wave sliding purposes.


        Depending on the type of SUP surfing performance you’re after will dictate what size you ultimately plump for. SBS’s 9’1” tested here would suit bigger boned individuals looking for an all water surf SUP or those who can access slightly bigger waves that may lie offshore or clean reef/point breakers. For onshore beach break mush the smaller sizes will be a better bet. Smaller SUPers will find a degree of flat water performance with this model. Also a great price for a hard surf SUP.

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        How To Wax A Surfboard

        Wax has been used for years to help surfers gain traction and grip to their surfboards in water. Traditionally a surfboard is quit slippery in the water and without wax or traction pads I would be difficult to paddle and ride. Most surfboards have a thin layer of wax on the deck. Surf wax applied correctly will create a layer of small waxy bumps giving your feet a grip/traction

        The following is a beginner’s guide to waxing your board as well as a tutorial of how to get the perfect traction for your board If you’ve never waxed a surfboard before or you’re just looking for tips to get a better wax job, here is our guide to waxing your surfboard.

        wax types

        Choosing the right wax for the job is key depending on the size of the board as well as the temperature of the water will determine what wax you need tropical water, warm water, cool water & cold water are your usual wax names if  you take a cold water wax to warm water, it will be too soft. But you could use a warm water wax in cold water, but it’s better to get what you need.In the UK the average temperature varies from around 4 C in winter to around 15 C in summer. There for you will need to possible change your wax in the summer and winter. But most of the year Cold water wax is perfect

        Wax temperature guide below

        how to wax a surfboard in 5 simple steps

        Step 1: What You Will Need

        To wax your surfboard The main thing you will need is some wax remover/white spirit/a rag or cloth/ basecoat wax, topcoat wax and a wax combe

        Step 2: Clean The Surfboard

        When starting to wax a surfboard you need to remove any debris, dirt or previous wax to ensure the surfboard is clean to ensure you get proper adherence. If your surfboard is brand new follow step 4

        First, take the wax combe and start scraping off all of the wax with the straight side of your wax comb. It helps if the wax can be heated up or the board left in the sun to aid this process. Ensure that you remove all wax from rails nose tail & deck using the curved and flat sides of the combe

        You will still have a small amount of wax on the board so you will need to use wax remover cleaning product or white spirit that will dissolve any excess wax. Gently rub a cloth over the area to ensure all the wax is gone & wash off the cleaning solution with water.

        Step 3 Where To Put Wax On Your Surfboard

        The picture below shows a rough guide of were to apply your wax on different types of a surfboard. Other areas include the rails were you grip the board for duck diving and also all the way to the nose. Also, try to keep any wax off the bottom of your board as that will slow it down making your board less responsive.

        Step 4: Applying The Basecoat

        The basecoat is the foundation of your grip basecoat wax is harder than top coat and will last longer on your board. It also makes it harder to apply so will require a strong amount of pressure.

        It will help to create a pattern of bumps on your surfboard that helps the top coat stick easier. The base coat will help to keep your wax on for longer were as applying just topcoat would need to be applied constantly.

        Begin by applying broad strokes on the board and continuing until you see a bump pattern emerge. Each surfer is different so try a range of patterns and styles of waxing that works for you. 

        Its a good idea is to start off with criss crosses by going diagonal one way up the board and then go perpendicular to that direction back down the board. Its then a good idea to fill on those criss crosses by either

        Circles: Rub the wax in little circles, moving up and down the board

        Front to Back: Rub the wax in a straight line parallel to the rocker and to keep grip when duck diving apply a small amount on the rails close to the nose

        Random: doing circular, straight, side to side in a random directions. After doing this for a few minutes “if properly performed “you will see small bumps and lumps begin to appear. Ensure to keep waxing until you have an even and suitable layer of wax.

        Step 5: Top Coat

        Now it’s time to apply the top coat of wax. Usually a lot softer in texture and greatly affected by heat changes and water temperature

        The top coat is applied in the same way as the basecoat but with less pressure as the wax is softer. Use a similar technique.

        Keep your wax sticky for longer

        Once you finished your surf you will want to prepare your wax for the next session. Wax will enviable flake off and get stuck to your wetsuit body and shorts, therefor to keep your board at maximum grip you will need to reapply small amount of top coat before each session. The wax will eventually get flatter and less sticky a great tip if you haven’t got any wax or want a little more grip use the jagged side of a wax combe to scratch some lines in the wax to reveal the fresher wax underneath this will help your wax go further

        If you surf a lot and find your wax isn’t doing its job it’s a good idea to go back to the beginning and start a fresh basecoat. On average a new basecoat should be applied every year but if you surf a lot every 3-4 months might be ideal.


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        How to wax a surfboard

        why do we have surf wax

        if you’re new to surfing wax is  what give you all you’re traction and grip on the board the more group you have the more control you have over where your board Direction goes.Surf wax is  almost as old as surfing itself and it’s only really in the last few years that we have seen some intresting alternatives to surf wax. as time went on and surf boards developed the industry introduced the traction pad for the back foot.  your back foot when surfing does the majority of power turns and more weight goes through this so the need for more grip in this area was needed.

        why look for an alternative to wax

        surf wax is definitely an ideal material for grip perfect in the water  and out unfortunately wax tends to grip to everything put your bored on the beach it’s covered in sand slide your bored in the car you’ve got wax on your head rests in and out of surfboard bags it groups to the material on the inside if your stacking boards you’re going to end up with wax on the underside of multiple boards for the ultimate kook Chinese wax job.

        wax for every season

        if you’re new to surfing wax is  what give you all you’re traction and grip on the board the more group you have the more control you have over where your board Direction goes.Surf wax is  almost as old as surfing itself and it’s only really in the last few years that we have seen some intresting alternatives to surf wax. as time went on and surf boards developed the industry introduced the traction pad for the back foot.  your back foot when surfing does the majority of power turns and more weight goes through this so the need for more grip in this area was needed.

        so without further ado let’s  see what’s out there as an alternative to Wax.

        The  front traction pad

        You may have seen this one before usually in warmer countries where  wax will melt as soon as you get it on the beach made from the same material as traction pads for your back foot and also the same material as stand-up paddle boards deck grip,  usually a EVA foam with a grooved pattern cut-out for grip


        • Grip a year round hot or cold

        • Will not stick to sand or melt


        • Can be uncomfortable when paddling

        • Can wear out over time and use

        • Needs 24 hours to fully cure

        • More expensive than wax

        sticky deck grip pads

        Reasonably new to the surfing world with more material and technology backing behind it this is a very Sleek and minimal alternative to surf wax.  I’m pretty sure this one is based off of the grippy stickers used to get for bathtubs so you don’t sleep in the bath and shower but just a bit fancier 😉


        • Very thin profile

        • UV resistant

        • easy application

        • Lightweight

        • Clear

        • will not stick to sand or melt


        • And sure grip performance is improved over wax

        • Anywhere from £30 to £60

        Cork traction pad.

        Similar to eva traction pads the cork traction pad is a sustainable option not made from plastic and has a natural grip, And at home on the sea this material does not perish easy as you will see bottles with corks in still to this day Also like the Eva traction pad  very lightweight but with a lower profile so much thinner under the chest when paddling.


        • thin and light

        • Sustainable

        • non-aggressive(not like sandpaper)

        • will not stick to sand  or furniture

        • will not melt

        • does not need to be changed for climate


        • costs more than wax

        • not as grippy as some wax

        • Will wear out over time and use

        Wax Trax  whole board sticker

        this is not so much an alternative as it is a waxing aid these are a whole board sticker. The idea behind this is you wax on top of the sheet and the raised pattern gives you a clean uniform waxing pattern the bumps in the vinyl sheet cling to the wax when applied over the top this way you don’t use too much wax and still get a great grip kind of your base layer to work on top of.  for many of you perfectionists you must have the perfect wax job this one’s for you in a range of patterns you will have a perfectly waxed board With a cool design of your choice This sheet removes the need for a wax comb and war always have the raised pattern once overused or feel like a change you can fill the whole sheet off with the wax on removing the stress of the waxing a board

        Surf wax still reigns King at the moment nothing quite compares in performance currently I’ve yet to see a professional Surfer use any of the alternatives here but for those not competing at such high levels maybe there’s room for a change and I’m sure as Time Goes On technology will get better and better we may even see grip built straight into the glass somehow one day


        I always thought a grippy reef boot or shoe might be the answer but  I’ve yet to find it until then we’ve got some pretty cool alternatives to wax you may want to try some of these out the next time you go travelling just for that benefit of never having to worry do I have tropical wax do I have cold water wax having something stuck to your board you always are ready to go .


        These are the alternatives we have found if you know of something different unique and not on this list let us know and we can update it over time


        Thank You For Reading

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        10 Reasons Smoothies Are Perfect For Surfers

        10 Reasons Smoothies Are Perfect For Surfers

        Do you like smoothies now I know what your thinking smoothies aren't just for the hipsters, they are actually an incredibly powerful way of eating that can have incredible effects o your surfing. Pro surfers like Kelly Slater, and Stephanie Gilmore have talked about...

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        SUP MAG REVIEW – Navigator

        The SUP Mag Review  Our Navigator has been our best selling sup for the last 3 years and for good reason, its one of our most versatile all round Stand Up Paddleboards we offer. Ideal for beginners just starting out looking for s stable platform that's easy to paddle...

        10 Reasons Smoothies Are Perfect For Surfers

        10 Reasons Smoothies Are Perfect For Surfers

        Do you like smoothies now I know what your thinking smoothies aren’t just for the hipsters, they are actually an incredibly powerful way of eating that can have incredible effects o your surfing. Pro surfers like Kelly Slater, and Stephanie Gilmore have talked about their daily routines always starting with smoothies before a surf as well as 2 time world surfing  champion John John Florence who uses smoothie a lot to keep his energy level high. So if you want to eat like the pros and smoothie like them too check out our top 10 reasons smoothies are perfect for surfers.

         10 Reasons Smoothies Are Perfect For Surfers 

        1. Absorb More Nutrients

        Any surfer will tell you they can eat like a pig after a surf session the hunger is real, but energy isn’t just calories in vs calories out that affects our energy levels by adding in more power hours nutrient-dense foods such as Green veggies like kale, spinach, collard greens, broccoli  and lettuce are nutrient rich in so many essential nutrients and when you blend it up in a smoothie, those veggies become a whole lot more palatable perfect for a post-surf recovery meal and especially blended those nutrients are released and rapidly absorbed by the body. so if you looking to stay healthier try a green smoothie. our trick is to start of with half greens and half fruits like mixed berries and bananas  as that will make the tastes easier to consume as you start.

        2. Increased Energy

        What surfer doesn’t want more energy, with more energy? You could surf longer,catch more waves and have more fun, energy levels are a huge factor in your surfing performance so if you not getting the right fuel for your body you need to switch it up  and there is no better way than a surfer smoothies. Adding in veggies fruits as well and nuts and grains like oats can be the perfect blend of fats carbohydrates and proteins to help keep your energy super high all session, smoothies allow for quicker nutrient absorption, allowing you to become invigorated and energised faster! fruits like bananas are perfect for quick energy and added with some strawberries make a perfect ready to go-pre-surf energy shake. 

        3. Improved Digestion

        when you think of surfing and food the last thing you want is something sitting heavy on your stomach before you head out into the waves. if your body is still digesting it and you go surfing there is a pretty good chance that that meal might come back out in a chunder dragon out in the lineup. Smoothies are incredibly fast absorbing since the blender has done all the hard work for you and improved that absorption time, smoothies make use of the whole fruits and veggies allowing you quick absorption but still with that all important fibre that gets left out with juices. leafy greens and a variety of fruits will help your body reach optimal digestibility and help you stay hydrated.

        4. Boost Your Immune System

        do you ever get sick? I know I do and as surfer we are a little more on the front line than most as we interact with an environment that depending were you like can be pretty hazardous to your health. raw sewage bacteria and infections all very easy for surfers to get, so we need some extra protection to protect our body and give it the ammo to fight back when we do get ill. plan based foods are loaded with phytonutrients which help our body’s immune system, foods like leafy greens and fruits strengthen your immune system and keep you fit and healthy all year long and help you stave off illness all year long.

        5. Healthy Bones

        Surfing can be pretty tough on the body sometimes and keeping the body in good shape can be  even more difficult if your body hasn’t got the right vitamins and minerals to keep it healthy. by adding in some Dark leafy green vegetables into your smoothies can really help maintain your bone health and density as green leafy vegetables are super rich in calcium and vitamin K,  these are an essential nutrient which helps ensure calcium reaches your bones and not your tissues. 

        6. Great For Your Heart Health

        Goes without saying, we all want a healthy heart, no one wants to die and we all want to keep surfing into our golden years so looking after the ticker is an important one if you gonna be catching tubes when you 80 smoothies are the way to go. Smoothies can help your heart health as adding in lots of vegetables and fruits ensures a Rich supply of antioxidants such as vitamin A and C,  some of our favourite green smoothies like the one below can significantly lower cholesterol, and have been proven to help lower your risk of heart attack or stroke. So do what they say and have a smoothie a day to keep the doctor away, it might just save your life. 

        7. Save Your Skin 

        Surfers as a bunch might no have the worlds best skin as we some time can be exposed to more sun than your average Jo and can brace the harsh winds and sea of a cold winter so our skin can go through a lot,  keeping it protected and looking good can easily be done as most green smoothies have super high levels of antioxidants, which help to reduce the signs of ageing as well as hydrate your skin. not only this but adding in foods like Amla, Goji berries and blueberries can really protect the body from infection and help your skin stay looking vibrant. if you surf a lot sun burn or sun damage can be a pretty debilitating thing but smoothies have got the answer as there are meany foods that can help to protect your skin from sun dage and also protect against the harmful rays. Foods like carrots, tomatoes,leafy greens, nuts, watermelon, strawberries and blueberries are some of the best to help keep you looking great and feeling great 

        8. Get Your 5 A Day Without Even Realising It!

        Probably the best reason to have a smoothie is because most of us don’t get our 5 a day, recent surveys of people in the UK suggests that over 60 percent of people don’t meet their daily target of 5 fruit and vegetables a day. That crazy so just start by adding in some raw greens in to a smoothies not only helps you get them in but makes them taste nice if you add in some berries and bananas its going to taste awesome  not only this but you will get those greens in raw which is much more ideal and better for protecting the human body against disease and ensuring you get that nutrient content of the plant. not to mention greens are incredible sources of chlorophyll which helps our bodies replenish and rebuild red blood cells making our body feel rejuvenated.  

        9. Reduce Unhealthy Cravings

        It may sound weird but once you start you will love the benefits like any surfer we have all been there and looking for a quick snack before the surf we grab whatever is available just to fill a hunger pain, but most of that craving isn’t beneficial to us. When you consume whole, unprocessed, nourishing foods, your body it rewarded with and influx of health vitamins and minerals essential to overall health having a healthy smoothie packs full of vegetables, fruits and some super foods is a perfect way to recharge your body fast. this will eventually help your body adapt and crave those healthy foods instead of the unhealthy snacks.

        10. Make It A Daily Habit 

        Things take time so if you don’t like smoothies or even the thought of giving up your post surf Mc Donald’s sounds absurd just remember you doing it for your own good. studies have shown consuming green smoothies encourages you to make similar healthy choices and habits in the future, so the more you do it the better you will feel and the easier it will become make it a consistent part of your daily routine and that healthy habit will become your new norm.  we not saying you need to go full smoothie master but just start off adding in a few a week or opting for a side salad instead of fries when eating out.


        so hopefully we have persuaded you to put the macky’ds down or think about going for a smoothie rather than a fast food marathon after a surf and look for a handy and conveniently smoothie that you can make beforehand and always have with you convenient for pre or post surf and make you feel incredible. Just remember preparation is key and now you know all of these smoothie facts you will no doubt be shredding extra hard with all your added energy and better health.

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        The SUP Mag Review 

        Our Navigator has been our best selling sup for the last 3 years and for good reason, its one of our most versatile all round Stand Up Paddleboards we offer. Ideal for beginners just starting out looking for s stable platform that’s easy to paddle and the shape means its great on all conditions flat water, open ocean and even in waves.  We wanted to get SUP Mags review on our navigator and see what their chief editor “Tez” though about our Navigator. 

        Tez has tests hundreds of sups over his career in all conditions so he knows a thing or to about what goes into making a great stand up paddle board. Tez is based in Hayling island just off Portsmouth and is an ideal spot to test the Navigator as its got areas on flat water as well as surfing conditions.

        What Tez Had To Say About Our Navigator SUP


        “We were keen to inspect the popular Navigator 10.6ft. Billed more as an all round SUP that can be used for wave riding, it’s manufactured in similar Snell bamboo/sandwich construction and looks the bomb”

        The Navigator offers great glide for a round nose SUP and it cuts a decent track through the water – paddlers barely having to deviate from their chosen course or having to drop in corrective strokes

        As such it’d make a good all round stick for those looking for crossover performance.

        “The Snell Navigator isn’t the lightest stick in its class but this actually comes into its own on fatter swells as momentum is easy to generate and keep the board gliding”

        “Making sections and escaping crumbly lips is super easy with the 10.6ft and as such it’s great for building confidence in those new to surf environments”

        “Stepping back onto the tail during steeper wave rides unlocks a degree more manoeuvrability”.

        “It’s a board designed more for swooping turns and arcing cutbacks with maybe the odd nose ride thrown in for good measure”. 

        “For riders perfecting their technique, it’s also a good platform as it forgives clumsy foot placement and allows the rider to concentrate on having fun rather than chucking you off”.

        “If you’re after crossover flat water performance then the Navigator is also as happy punting about creeks, estuaries, lakes, canals and rivers as it in open water”

        “As a one board wave rider does all for middle to heavyweights it’s a good choice and it would also suit lighter weights looking for a fun all round flat water SUP to improve on”


        “The 10.6ft Navigator would suit slightly heavier riders looking for a cruisey board to surf and will help develop a high level of technique for when it’s time to move down to the Snell Widow Maker – their high performance toy reviewed Below” 

        “If you love drawn out style carves, getting those toes over or mucking about in small to medium waves then the Navigator would fit the bill”

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