TOP TIPS To Help Make Your Wetsuit Last Longer!!!

TOP TIPS To Help Make Your Wetsuit Last Longer!!!

TOP TIPS To Help Make Your Wetsuit Last Longer!!!

Although its the quickest way to dry your suit for the next session, hanging it up in direct sunlight means a shorter life for your neoprene. 


Next to buying a new board, investing in a fresh wetsuit is one of the most expensive purchases a surfer will make in a given year. With most new suits retailing above £300, you want your investment to last. We rang up Joanne Huebner of Froghouse Surfshop in Newport Beach for advice on extending the life of your rubber. With more than 20 years of experience repairing neoprene, she knows how to get your suit through another winter.


Fit Matters:

Having a comfortable suit that fits will not only make for a better session but can also extend the life of your suit. “If your wetsuit doesn’t fit properly, you’re not only going to be uncomfortable, but you’re going to be slowly ruining your suit as well,” says Joanne. “If your suit is too small, you’re constantly stretching it out further than it should, putting tension on the seams and rubber that will lead to holes and tears.”


Dry it in the Shade:

One of the absolute worst things you can do for your suit is to leave it in the sun. “It’ll dry out all of the rubber and shrink it up, which means you’re gonna start creating some holes and tears. Dry your suit out in the garage or in your shower, but never leave it to dry out in the sun.”


Don’t let it Rot:

One of the quickest ways to shorten the life expectancy of your suit is to wad it up and throw it in your trunk. Not only will your car smell like a gas station urinal the next time you get in, but if left soaking wet for too long, the rubber in the suit will begin to deteriorate. When you do hang your suit, don’t hang it wet over a hanger. “If your suit is soaking wet and you hang it on a regular small hanger, you’re actually stretching it out. The weight of the wet rubber will pull at the legs and stretch out the suit, creating tension in the shoulders that can lead to tears and holes. Drape your suit over something wide so there’s no tension pulling at any part of the suit.”



The salt from the ocean can be one of the biggest factors in killing your suit. After each session, wash it off in fresh water, inside and out. “I’ve seen a lot of people bring in their suits and you can tell that they’re not washing it all the way off and only doing it halfway. You’ll see that the ankles and other places that they didn’t clean will start to tear.”


Kill the smell:

If your suit’s grown a bit ripe and no amount of freshwater rinsing seems to do the trick, there’s still hope. Fill up your bathtub with warm water and add a splash of Woolite. “That seems to help out a lot if your suit gets too stinky,” adds Joanne. “But keep in mind one of the worst things you can do is to throw it in the washing machine. If you just soak it in the tub with Woolite, that’ll do the trick.”

Utilize The Warranty:

Shit happens. Zippers break, seams tear, holes abound. Despite taking the utmost care for your suit, problems will inevitably arise. Fortunately, most good suits come with a warranty. Use it. “Most people that come to me for repairs come in with problems that could have been fixed with their warranty, but they waited too long,” says Joanne. “When you get a new wetsuit, take note of the seems zippers, knee patches and leg holes. Most of the problems can be replaced by the company. Just save the warranty card and your receipt.”


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Surfing’s Ultimate Life Hacks

Surfing’s Ultimate Life Hacks


There are endless life hack lists online about how to be a better person. here is what the best are doing 




There are endless life hack lists online about how to be a better person. here is what the best are doing

  • Sleep

  • Meditate

  • Work out

  • Eat protein

  • Cold shower

  • Listen or read to inspiring content

  • Answer emails

  • Set goals

  • Review goals

  • Achieve goals

The Majority of these high flyers are doing all this while all other family commitments daily routine mundaneness chores bills and all that other good stuff. these kinds of people have a hunger for better something greater the plan is visualised their in there head all before 8am the crazy some of you may say but you change one thing at a time a you to can change your habits your routine and the successfulness of you days in a few steps, to start i would suggest ‘inspirational content’, this will be the quickest way to hard-wire your brain to the right motives, consistently reminding yourself through audio or a video to get you in the mood. there will be some diet changes as well giving up caffeine, alcohol, sugar, gluten and all the other things winners do. Like reading a book a week while making time to write your journal about fasting one day a week.




  • Sleep
  • wake up look at the clock then sleep again
  • This seems to be the best way to use my time. Especially in winter when it’s still dark before 8am.




That’s it. Makes you happier, fitter, more attractive, and hell, more productive even. You can swan about with the Zen calm of a start-up bazillionaire because you’re a surfer. Doesn’t matter if you’re skint, you are life rich and communing with nature intimately.  It’s the ultimate life hack. All these lists seem to miss the one key pointer: stop reading lists and faffing about online … go surf.



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10 Health Benefits of Stand Up Paddleboarding …

10 Health Benefits of Stand Up Paddleboarding …

10 Health Benefits of Stand Up Paddleboarding


As we know to stand up paddle boarding is a pretty great sport from racing to wave riding it allows young and old to experience the ocean in a variety of forms. Not only is paddle boarding good for our stoke but it had quite a few health and physical benefits as well Stand up paddle boarding has become super popular over the last 5-10 years with each year taking off with more and more people taking it up to help increase your water time on those flatter days as well as making surfing or paddling a social event  and competitive as a great way to stay in shape when the conditions not adequate for surfing. Through paddle, boarding paddler is able to get a Great work out and huge enjoyment simultaneously. So check out 10 Health Benefits of Stand Up Paddleboarding below.




(1) It’s A Great Workout

Stand Up Paddleboarding can give you a great work out not just an upper body strength but through paddling and twisting your body is moving through functional movement patterns allowing it to work a greater number of muscles at once.  Plus the fact that your legs are constantly balancing,  you can be  guaranteed that the whole body will be feeling it the next day

(2) Your Get Abs Of Steel

Yes that’s kind of right Paddleboarding will provide you with a great core workout ensuring that almost every muscle in the body is used, specifically the twisting and turning of paddling will engage the core as well as balance as through every stroke you core, back and abdominal will be constantly working to maintain your balance..

(3) Low Impact

Stand Up  Paddleboarding is a great way to get exercise with a low impact, because of the position of paddling and the movement required to pull you through the water it is unlikely that you will do damage to the tendons and ligaments of your joints or have any breakages or spinal issues. Because of the minimal movement required sport, it is possible to use up a lot of calories without damaging your joints. whereas in other more explosive sports like tennis or running there would be a higher risk of experiencing shin splints or possible knee and hip pain.

(4) Cross Training

If you stand up paddle board you will know that it probably helps you with a lot of other aspects in your day to day life,  SUP is a great way to improve general fitness as well as cardiovascular endurance as well as upper body strength endurance. It simultaneously works your aerobic system as well as  training strength

(5) Keeps You Healthy

Yep Next time you trying to explain to your partner why you need to go paddleboarding say “its for my health” the number of benefits are on told but to name a few stand up paddle boarding can improve your cardio fitness whilst lowering your chance of cardiovascular diseases, Heart attack, Stroke, Diabetes & joint problems Not only lowering your chance of illness the number of calories burnt while paddle boarding can be really high helping meaning long-term stand up paddling can contribute to reduction in body fat and weight loss as well as improved muscle mass resulting in a much healthier body.

(6) Improves your mood

Obviously paddling is a great relaxer, as we live an ever more frantic and busy world, taking the time just to quiet the mind and enjoy the ocean has never been more important and can be a great destresser. Reducing stress by getting back to nature and doing something you love can help relax the mind whilst also releasing serotonin and endorphins in the brain giving you the feeling of happiness. this feeling combined with the psychological benefit and social aspects can help hugely help decrease the feelings of depression and greatly improve your mood.

(7) Improve Your Balance

It’s a no-brainer that from the first time you stand on a board to the years later it defiantly helps to improve balance otherwise, you might still be swimming more than you want to.Balance is also a great attribute to have in almost every other sport as well as everyday life activity’s. if you train at a high level in sports such as football or basketball, rugby stand Up Paddleboarding can be great for improving your balance as well as strengthen the ankle and joint through stability training as well as limit possible injury’s and help strengthen weaker areas…

(8) A Surfing Alternative

And a damn good one, if you’re one with the ocean and can get enough of it then you probably do more than just surf a shortboard… you probably longboard, kitesurf, windsurf, and sup. supping is especially good for those flatter days and for people just starting out who need a lot more stability and volume to their board, it’s a great alternative for people who have difficulty or fear of surfing. The great thinking about stand up is you can almost get anyone from any age trying it from age 8-80 if you struggle going out on the water in surfing or other water sports supping allows you to get out there and catch the waves and enjoy the surf with your friends.

(9) Yoga

Yoga and paddle boarding are a perfect combo as yoga can be very spiritual and using the paddleboard surroundings as a catalyst for a more enjoyable and relaxing experience is a great idea. Using the paddleboarding adds an extra dimension of balance to the activity. This can be a lot of fun as well as very challenging for someone who is already an experienced practitioner of yoga. In addition, the ambience that is associated with paddle boarding is far more pleasant and relaxing than being in a cramped gym or fitness studio. The sun and water will enhance the experience greatly.

(10) Bigger Muscles Less Injury’s

Useful for rehabilitation injuries: Because of its low impact nature, paddle boarding can be a useful tool for people in rehab to gently increase strength without doing any harm. It is very gentle on your muscles and joints. After spending a day out on a paddleboard, it’s natural to feel a little sore all over your body. But soreness is a good thing because that means you are building up your overall body strength improving your muscles power strength and stamina and over a long time this exercise will allow hypertrophy of the heart and you to become fitter.

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The Secrets of Surf Photography


when your photographing surfing you want to convey something in your photos? wave shape, surfing style, spray from turns, and above all, you want a connection with the surfer in the shot.
This is tricky if you’re 100m away from the water’s edge… At best you will get ‘atmospheric’ landscapes that just happen to contain a surfer.

shots are all taken straight on from the water’s edge looking out if you can get an angel on the surfer looking down the line of the wave so looking into the tube this gives a much better perspective not all costs will allow you to be able to do this beach breaks in particular,

also think if you can get close do it it will be less strain on your lens an result in better images.


The setting colour positioning and what’s in your scene is not going to change that much when shooting surfing , a cloud might come over and that changes the look of things but your shooting the same break the same wave at the same angle, most cameras will have a scene mode and you can find that scene that best suits your area, even auto mode will give a good round settings for your scene,

Your two main priories are speed and focus many points and shoot cameras will not have a manual mode but its sport mode the faster shot and fast focus the camera will determine, if yours using a SLR go manual like I previously said the settings will not change too drastic when shooting surfing and better yet once you have some good settings for a particular beach on a sunny day save those settings, so you don’t have to waste time adjusting the next time you come again.

so when shooting the wave unbroken is dark while the spray is bright white so high contrast, the reason for wanting to use manual mode most auto features on a camera will want to overexpose for the dark of the wave or underexpose due to metering for the white spray.

it will take a few test photos to work this out where you want your balance to be. take a range of different settings and look what pictures had the best exposure and hold on to those settings, when clouds come over and reduce sunlight you will have to adjust settings again.

What settings to try?

surfing is a fast-paced and water move kinda quick you want to capture that moment and every drop of spray so shutter speed and aperture
you want a fast shutter speed 1/1000th of a second or faster. this determining what aperture I can use and what iso I can use. if you try to keep the iso between 100-800 this will reduce noise the better your camera the better the range you can go above 800 with little noticeable difference


getting the correct exposure?

If it’s too bright, then make the ISO as low as it goes first. If it’s still too bright, make the shutter speed faster, or finally make the aperture f-number higher (this reduces the amount of light entering the camera), but try not to go above f/16 as you start to lose sharpness.

with pro gear and equipment a lens with 2.8 for zoom and a sensor capable of relatively noise free photos at iso speed of 3200 or above !! but don’t be disheartened entry-level photography shots can seem just as good shots as pro equipment if you get your settings right.


People always want to know about the gear so here is a rundown of what we use.

Nikon Canon and some Sony mirrorless cams have a great range of lenses and each has there purpose benefits and draw down to each

70-200 and 16-35mm are in my usual lens kit. Also a 50mm and 400mm telephoto. And always a fisheye

My advice would create a style that is recognisable. Something the viewer will know is your image without seeing the photo credit. I think it’s so important these days, especially with how many people are out shooting surf and action sports images to create work that is meant to last. Don’t be so focused on logos or how good the action is, but more on the emotion in the image.

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5 Must Know Ways to Improve Your Breath Hold For Surfing

5 Must Know Ways to Improve Your Breath Hold For Surfing



5 Must Know Ways to Improve Your Breath Hold For Surfing


We all love surfing and pushing ourselves to get bigger, better & gnarly waves. Progressing and improving are all part of the game. So inevitably you’re going to want to feel comfortable in some of those bigger condition hold downs and knowing you can hold your breath for over a minute or 3 is a good way to start

(1) Do Exercises

While there is no way to increase your lung size, there are many ways to increase the amount of air your lungs take in, and the efficiency with which they capture oxygen. In particular, it helps to exhale fully before taking in the breath. Any cardiovascular training or interval sprint training to help get you out of breath will help

(2) Lose Weight.

Any excess body fat or unused muscle will reduce your body’s efficiency in using oxygen, so to help keep it efficient make sure you’re in great shape and lighten the load.

(3) Quit Smoking.

Quitting will considerably increase your lungs’ ability to release carbon dioxide and absorb oxygen.

(4) Eating Well

Eating well is critical to improving your breath hold making your body as efficient at transporting oxygen and conserving energy. Fruits vegetable proteins, vitamins and seeds can all help improve blood flow and the efficiency of oxygen transfer.

(5) Practice

Before practising your breath hold – Breath, inhale and exhale slowly from deep within your diaphragm. By doing this, you will start to slow down your heart rate and help your lungs get rid of low-quality air try to breathe for 5 seconds in 5 seconds out trying to push every last drop of air out doing this for 2 minutes will help maximize the efficiency of your lungs and increase your lung capacity do this for two minutes, and be sure that when you exhale, you push out every last “drop” of air.

Before you hold your breath push every last bit of air out then take 7 short breath until your lungs are filled 80-85% so that you still have room to relax. Always do this with a partner as it’s possible to lose consciousness without warning.6

Splash cold water on your face. It has been observed that putting a person’s face in contact with cold water triggers bradycardia, or the slowing of the heart rate, which is the first phase of the mammalian diving reflex.

Whilst holding your breath Relax every muscle in your body. Try to relaxed your body and think about something else other than holding your breath. Totally relaxed thoughts almost getting to a Meditative state. This intern will lower your heart rate helping your body consume less oxygen by mentally focusing on slowing your heart beat, it is possible to lower your heart rate significantly and increase the time you are able to hold your breath for. Concentrate this distraction technique will help when held underwater and teach you to relax whilst you’re being held down.8

Exhale slowly. When you can’t hold your breath anymore, try to avoid exhaling all the air in your lungs in a mad rush. First, exhale about 20% of your air, then inhale again so that oxygen gets to your most critical areas faster. Then you can exhale and inhale completely.

Repeat these steps 3-4 times per session. It is not recommended to do this anymore, as it could damage your lungs and body. Try one session in the morning and one session at night if you wish. Keep practising and before you know it, you will be able to hold your breath for several minutes.

Another great surf specific way to train your breathe hold is to hold your breathe for as long as you can then when you exhale breath out slowly talking another full breath in and repeating the breath hold minimizing the time you have to get extra breath just like being held down on a few waves in a row you might not be able to get a clean breath and have to survive on very little


  • The urge to breath is caused by a build-up of carbon dioxide in your body, not a lack of oxygen.
  • Try not to think about holding your breath. If you think about pleasant things, you’re less aware of the breathing reflex.
  • Relax your body waiting for the wave to let you up helping to conserve your energy
  • Restrain yourself from swallowing when you start feeling fatigued; this will slow the increasing desire to surface.


  • Never try to hold your breath past your maximum capability, you might go unconscious.

When you’re practising holding your breath, please do it in a safe, controlled environment under professional supervision.

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