5 Secrets To Make Your Surfboard Last Longer

5 Secrets To Make Your Surfboard Last Longer

5 Secrets To Make Your Surfboard Last Longer


You spend hours searching the internet and surf shops to find that perfect board with your dimensions volume and shape you finally find your new perfect board and shes your new life partner your defiantly going to want to look after this one as she’s a keeper. You spend all your hard earned cash on her but making her last as long as possible is the key. 

Depending on the construction of your board might depend on how durable it is and how much you throw at it before it breaks.  If you have an industry standard Polyurethane And Polyester (PU) board the chances are you board will be more fragile than a more durable epoxy board. But the foam will be more resistant to water damage if it does ding.  All in all, surfboards can be pretty fragile and need to be protected as best as we can. We get to grips with that magic board that fits us so perfectly and then ding or snap and its over. There is nothing worse than it breaking or falling off the roof of the car to ruin your session.  Even if you looking to re-sell the board at a later date it’s always good to look after your board and keep it as mint as possible will keep you stoked for longer.




Here are our top 5 secrets to making your surfboard last longer


(1) Store your board in a cool safe place


Surfboards were built to be in the water and natural environment and of course, you going to be surfing it in the sun although modern-day surfboards can handle a bit more of a beating they are still fragile especially with a lot of exposure to the sun. Heat and sunlight can be some of the main causes for delamination on a surfboard and if you board starts it can be difficult trying to stop it spreading. If your storing the board in a shed, garage, or room keeping in a cool place will help the longevity of the board as heat and sunlight can damage the board. Keep it in a rack or a specific place where it won’t fall over or heavy objects can’t fall on it. This will make sure your board is ready to go for the next session.


(2) Keep it in a bag


One of the easiest things to do and give your board that extras protection in storage and transport keeping it in a 5-10mm padded bag will save it from a few knocks and dings especial in and out of cars on the way to the surf or pulling the straps to hard holding it down and keep your wax from melting on your seats. It’s also a necessity when travelling abroad or through airports with extra padding to ensure your quiver arrives safely at the other end. Not worse than pumping waves and damaging your board on the beach. Also helps to keep your board cool if you have a reflective board bag and keeps it out of the sun.


(3) Fix Your dings


When surfing your magic stick it can be so easy to ding a board by hitting a rock of the reef or even yourself or even on land for that matter  so If you ding a board then repair it straight away  and unfixed board can be the end of a board life if the water gets in and not fixed correctly it can lead to all sorts of problems with delamination and weight and loss of performance. Get a ding repair kit or check out our other blog of how to fix dings so to ensure your board remains watertight. Remember to use the right resin and know if your board is epoxy or polyester resin as putting polyester resin on an EPS board can eat and dissolve the foam. If your unsure what foam it is, get yourself an epoxy repair kit, as the resin is compatible with all types of foam.  But Polyester resin most common surfboard resin will melt eps foam in most epoxy boards.


(4) Look after it


Ensuring your board keeps for a few extra months or years can be down to something as simple as General Care and Maintenance Taking the time to really look after your craft with things like washing the board down with fresh water as Salt water is very corrosive, and over time can start to weaken the fibreglass. It’s a common practice for some but it will defiantly keep your board looking and feeling newer for longer. Giving your board a full physical every once and a while giving it a washing over dewaxing the board to check for compressions or delamination or dings it’s a bit like a service for a car just looking over any areas that might be weak or broken will help to minimise those future breaks.


(5) Be careful getting in and out


Another key area where you might ding or snap a board is obviously surfing so by making sure you do a few of these pointers will help keep your board intact. In the surf wear a leash to keep your board from floating off and hitting some rocks or worse snapping on some kids or beginners head. It also gives you more control over what your board is doing in the water. When getting in and out of a reef break put your board upside down so the fins are above the water and can’t hit the rocks, the same thing for the way back in. When surfing back into shore be wary of the bottom as riding over rocks or all the way into the beach can jam a fin straight through your board, so take your time getting in and out.




If you follow these 5 simple rules you will no doubt keep your board it a better condition and save a few pounds too.



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The Health benefits associated with stand up paddleboarding are crazy good but when it comes to longevity sup has some great tricks to keep you paddling well into your later century. Stand up paddleboarding has gained popularity over recent years all over the world its reported as the quickest growing water sport with more first-time participant’s than any other, so what’s the hook? Well, stand up paddleboarding has so many benefits and so diverse as it can reach such an array of people in many different areas. If you got a lake, river or the sea by you your good to go. So how does stand up paddleboarding help me live longer, well check out the list below to see why supping is good for your life expectancy.

Why stand up paddleboarding will help me live longer


Stand up paddleboard for a lot of people can be a weekend activity or just for holidays but for the committed it can be a real lifestyle and one that has a few benefits for these people it’s not just a sport, it’s a lifestyle which can be beneficial to your mental and physical health.


(1) No Gym Required Sup Will Keep you in shape


If you go out for a paddle for an hour or 2 you will defiantly feel the benefits just like going to the gym, it has been shown to be very similar to running and aerobic activity’s. Competing again a friend of group members can really up to the intensity and has been shown to develop great overall & increased strength, especially in the upper body & core whilst also improving stability. Other improvements for your cardiovascular health are huge, not only working your heat & Lungs your muscle and skin will get a damn good sweet, you’ll be burning calories left right and centre. Helping to reduce your overall body fat and improve heart health will intern help to reduces the risk of diseases like heart attacks, strokes.  so next time you trying to blag going out on the water remember it’s for your health

(2) Saltwater/Air

Yes, that classic saying of the sea air will do you good hold more promise than previously thought. depending on how good you are you might spend a lot of time on top of the water or in it but either way your breathing in that fresh sea air. Spending a lot of time at sea or in the water has massive benefits to immunity and oral health the sea not only keeps a lot of nasty bugs away, but it’s incredibly beneficially for lung health and your respiratory system will be cleansed. as well as the incredible mineral contents from salt water that helps improve the function of our skin.

(3) The Sun and vitamin D 

Yep, there is no escaping it the sun is going to be on you, and admittedly the sun can get a bad wrap when I come to skin damage but it also provides us with a very important vitamin. Vitamin (D) Adequate vitamin D helps with the regulation of calcium and phosphorus absorption, which is required to keep our bones healthy and also fight diseases like cancer, type 1 diabetes and multiple sclerosis. keeping this thing in check can decently help extend your life so ensuring you get out and absorb some vitamin D is a must.

(4) Natural Environments

One of the best things about paddleboarding is that you are in nature interacting with sun sea and air, as well as all the natural wonders of the sea, lakes and rivers being out on the open water battling mother nature, is what its all about for some and that is we really feel most alive and your not wrong  Nemours studies support the idea of being in a natural environments especially water as it has calming benefits for mental health. Engaging with nature can have a positive effect on your outlook attitude and stress levels.Stand Up paddle boarders especially spend a lot of time in natural environments interacting directly with the water and other elements its this interaction through an exercise in natural environments that have been shown to have more benefits for spiritual and mental health than anywhere else. and I’m sure every paddler can relate to a feeling of peace, relaxation and mindfulness that comes with being out at sea on just paddling through the water.

(5) Cold water therapy

If you head in to the British waters in the winter months you will know what I’m talking about, sometimes taking a plunge can be an icy experience or a cold water flush can be a brain freezer but if your brave enough to venture in to the cold waters it might just keep you young as research suggests that cold water exposure can be a benefit to your health. Cold water exposure allows the body to burn more calories than it usually would trying to keep you warm compared to a hot days paddling you also get a massive rush of endorphins, adrenaline and cortisol, which gives you that good feeling inside. If repeating this can change your physiology massively which can intern help to improve the immune system fight off bad bacteria and reduced inflammation so next time you take the plunge you know it’s doing you good.

(6) Focused Mind

The Focus of stand up paddleboarding can be something that can really consume your life, But a focused mind can really help with living longer when your focus doesn’t have to be. A number of research papers looking at people jobs and social activities as they got older and they found that people who had focus goals and purpose in their everyday life lived longer and had a better quality of life. In stand up paddleboarding our focus can be on the next race or swell or next set training getting fitter staying strong researching better equipment. We are lucky because our sport can give so much back to us and reward that focus and reward that patience and dedication. This never ends as supping like surfing is a lifelong journey one that we can constantly try to master but always just that next swell away, I think personally it’s a great way to live one swell one set one wave at a time.

(7) Easy on the body

The low impact nature of SUP means it has been a great cross training method for athletes recovering from injuries and a low chance you will get injured or cause damage to joints of ligaments. The low impact is great for recovery and building your back strength and getting a cardio work out without having to bust a gut. A lot of paddlers I know moved to the sport because of injury’s in other sports and allows them to still exercise with minimal to no pain. Great for cross training and improving balance it will keep you active even if you can’t run jump or lift heavy things so stand up paddleboarding is pretty ideal for the older generation to keep fit.

(8) Relaxing

One of the greatest reason to paddle, Yep we all know that feeling of having an amazing an amazing day on the water paddling in the sun on tranquil flat water or an epic downwind session is battling the surf for a few hours. it give your body a feeling of peace you just keep coming back for  its partly to do with the physical exhaustion, but also the mental release of all that energy that has built up from work or stresses of life and as soon as you on the water the stress goes and replaced with a feeling of relaxation, I don’t think there is another feeling like it. Also the tranquillity you feel from just being in the water sometimes alone having time to reflect on things is a real added bonus as in most people’s busy lives they don’t get time to reflect and process things. This process can be really relaxing and calming helping to lower stress levels. stand up paddleboarding can also help to give you that good feeling of accomplishment of overcoming the barriers and trial of the surf or distance sometimes the harder the paddle or more difficult the conditions the sweater the accomplishment. Remember living long is one thing but having a great quality of long life is the goal that why SUP can really help keep your well-being and joy at is max. As long as you get enjoyment every day from the surf then life is pretty good  


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Top 10 Swiss Ball Surf Exercises To Improve Fitness

These are our top 10 surf exercise to really work the core and core rotation to help improve you turning on a surfboard.

Your core is hugely important when it comes to surfing and making sure the abs aren’t just for show and can really walk the walk is a must. These exercises are designed to really ramp up your core rotation as well as your physical strength and balance.

Yeah, maybe you’ll get some abs, with core training, but that’s not what you should focus on. What you should focus on are spinal stability and pelvic control, and then progress into high-speed rotational work, which is much more functional. The ripped abs will come with that. Too often I see guys hopping right into high speed or power dynamic core training.

The foundation of good surfing is a good core how good your spinal stability is combined with other attributes with power strength and flexibility will determine your surfing ability especial in recover from big manoeuvres and massive hacks and turns.

Before this work out try a few stretches to really get the body loose and warm before you try some of the more advanced stuff. if you go straight Into it you might hurt your self. Take a look at our previous video of how to warm up and stretch for surfing

Improve Strength & Stability

Fit For The Surf

Best Stretches For Surfers

An important part of recovery


Ensure you try all of the exercises or use the routine 2-3 times a week with a progressive program to help improve your surfing.

Surf work out exercises with Swiss ball for improved core


  • Swiss ball leg kick out
  • Swiss ball leg tucks
  • Swiss ball one leg tucks
  • Swiss ball pikes
  • Swiss ball shoulder press
  • Swiss ball one leg shoulder press
  • Swiss ball kneeling twists
  • Swiss ball explosive pushups
  • Double Swiss ball pushups
  • Swiss ball standing squats








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Surfing for a lot of people is not just a sport it’s a lifestyle… it’s a way in which you live your life, which makes senses to look at surfer as a group of people and the characteristic of the surf lifestyle that can help you live longer the health benefits and incredible.

(1) Keeps you in shape

Surfing has been scientifically and medically proven to have numerous health benefits, with typical surfers having lower body fat good with leaner muscle to weight ratio great flexibility and good skin, plus they exercise a lot especially if you go out for a 4 hour surf session the body has to be in good shape to keep you going

Spending a lot of time in the sea and by the coast has its benefits too. Not only does seawater keep a lot of nasty bugs away, but it’s incredibly beneficially for the body as it has great mineral contents that help improve the function of our skin. Not to mention getting more than our fair share of vitamin d

Also as a surfer, you take your fair share of duck dives and wipeouts and medical evidence suggest that the people who live by the sea or swim in it regularly have more functional and healthier respiratory systems. Due to the sea water being cleansing

(2) Natural Environments

Surfers especially spend a lot of time in natural environments interacting directly with mother nature and the elements it has been shown that exercise in natural environments such as beaches oceans forests and outdoors have much greater benefits for spiritual and mental health than anywhere else.

Every surfer knows the feeling after a hard day grind hitting the ocean unlocks that inner kid and that relaxation and mindfulness that comes with touching the water. Similar state using water have shown that water can have a calming effect reducing anxiety depression and stress, even just sitting out back can be relaxing and a lot of surfers feel like they are meditating or connected to the ocean  this feeling can dramatically change your nervous system, brain organs and hormone production in a good way

(3) Cold water therapy

If you’re Lucky enough(unlucky) enough to live in a cold-water country like the UK it can be an added benefit to your health. Cold water surfers know the feeling of surfing in January and February frozen face and numb feet and fingers but it does have its health benefits. cold water means the body will burn more calories in a session than compared to the hot water of saying Indonesian. That’s great for us as our body also gets the added benefit of increased endorphins, adrenaline and cortisol, not only great for your stoke factor but this also over repeated sessions and years can dramatically change your physiology

People such as WIM HOF who put himself in freezing cold water for hours at a time leading to a huge change in his body’s response ramping up the immune system to fight off bad bacteria and nasty disease, the buildup of brown adipose tissue helps fat reduction, reduced inflammation and less acidity in the body. So try to get a cold water dunking a few times a week and you should be in good shape

(4) Focused Mind

The fountain of youth might be a myth but living longer doesn’t have to be. A number of research papers look at people jobs and social activities as they got older and they found that people who had focus goals and purpose in their everyday life lived longer and had a better quality of life. In surfing a lot of us are focused on the next swell the next wave or the next turn how to improve for next time or what the incoming weather reports say. The sport of surfing requires patience and dedication and is a lifelong journey one that can never be fully mastered but with focus and determination can get pretty good at it.

(5) Relaxing

Yep we all know that feeling of having an amazing surf for a few hours and your body just feels at peace partly to do with the physical exhaustion, but also the mental release of all that energy that has built up if you follow a swell the energy builds and keeps building in anticipation and preparations until finally you go shred and you feel so relaxed, I don’t think there is another feeling like it. Also the tranquillity you feel from just being in the water sometimes alone having time to reflect on things is a real added bonus as in most people’s busy lives they don’t get time to reflect and process things. this process can be really relaxing and calming helping to lower stress levels. surfing also help to give you that good feeling of accomplishment of overcoming the barriers and trial of the surf sometimes the longest paddle outs or the heaviest hold downs make that next ride all that sweeter.

Remember living long is one thing but having a great quality of long life is the goal that why surfing can really help keep your well-being and joy at is max. As long as you get enjoyment every day from the surf then life is pretty good.

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