Living the dream Surfing Kellys waves pool…..

From its first videos in 2016 kelly has played willy wonker and his wave pool factory almost showing people the incredible wonderland know as the ranch. Its pretty much the dream of every surfer on the planet to push a button and have perfect waves all to yourself. just it took the best competitive surfer of all time to make it happen. once you have seen those endless perfect barrel sections there is no going back those perfect almost memorising barrel shapes has been the dream of pretty much any surfer and still is to ride that wave.   since it was made only a hand full of people have been able to surf it obviously kelly and his mates as well as a few other pros that showed us the future of surfing. but what about for us mear mortals what would it feel like if we were to surf the wave??? Well, this is exactly what a couple of average goes get the ride of a lifetime and the barrels of their life surfing Kelly’s magical wave. I can only hope someone buys on in the south coast of England

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