Improve Your Round house Cut back

Improve Your Round house Cut back

Improve Your Roundhouse Cut back

roundhouse cut

The roundhouse cut back is one of the most stylish and functional manoeuvres in a surfers arsenal. The roundhouse cutback is a move that is used by surfers of all skill levels. It allows great rail control whilst being functional by bringing you back to the source of the power of the wave where you can generate more speed for your next manoeuvre. The idea of the move is that a surfer will turn their board in the opposite direction of the wave’s breaking motion.  The cut back its self is completed on the wave’s open face by applying pressure on the inside rail and maintaining weight on the tail and fins to create a 180 degree direction change. After changing direction (or cutting back), the surfer will attempt to bounce off the whitewater or angle into the wave’s trough with the intent of returning to the original direction.


4 key principles to keep in mind when doing any turn in surfing

4 key points

Eyes: Your eyes, and more specifically “sighting” to help project where you are headed on a wave. A great surfing technique to improve your surfing performance is using your eyes to help initiate, and make solid and stylish turns. All have to be able to visualize and see where they want to go using your eyes to lead the movement will be the initiation of any good turn. Look where you want to go, and your hips, then your board will follow.

Shoulders: Naturally wherever your head goes your shoulders will follow and with them your arms directing your movement. They are used to gain momentum in the turn as well as acting as a pivot point in which your body can move around.

Hips: Your upper body is starting to turn but now the momentum created


your shoulders and arms need to be transferred to your hips to start making the turn. Your hips will start to indicate the pressure in your feet when to start to turn the board.

Board: The board is the last and final stage of the turning sequence your hips will transfer pressure to your feet which in turn will put pressure on the board and guide it the desired direction; if the 3 previous stages have been performed correctly your board should have an adequate drive and grip on the wave to make a smooth and balanced cutback.



Visual Cue: The wave in front is not walling up but instead has a flatter section

Tips: As you paddle for the wave and make the drop, immediately look down the line to see how the wave is breaking. Once this quick assessment is made, look five to six feet ahead and look for a good section for a bottom turn. Speed is the key in the beginning part of this move; generate as much speed possible, using a high angle on the wave close to the lip/crest whilst pumping will create lots of power and speed for your next move.



Visual Cue: As you go into your bottom turn you are already looking to the next section the mid-face or even top of the wave. This is the critical part of the turn and looking where you want your body and board to go, will help you get there. Pick your point on the wave


you will initiate the turn.

Tips: Always keep your eyes on where you want to execute the change of direction. You don’t want to make your turn too early when the wave is too vertical, but you also don’t want to


too far out beyond the shoulder where the wave is too flat as you won’t retain enough speed to get back into the




Visual Cue: keep your eyes fixed on the turning point until you want to indicate the turn

Tips: coming from your bottom turn, keep your board flat on the wave and maintain weight slightly forward to retain full speed, when reaching your turning point unweight your foot and lean slightly back. Whilst still maintaining most of your weight and body over the midpoint of the surfboard.



Visual Cue: You will start to lose speed your eyes should be focused on the bottom of the wave progressing back to the whitewater

Tips: As you approach the top of your turn start to think and look towards the bottom of the wave, the next place you want to go You will feel the friction of the water grabbing the board and speed will be decreased depending on how aggressive you want your turn will


how hard you push down on your heels and let the balls of your feet lift up, your inside rail will now be submerging hold this position until you have performed a full 180 direction change. Through this movement try to keep most of your weight and body over the midpoint of your surfboard to maintain your speed.



Visual Cue: Halfway through the


your leading arm should be touching the wave face. This keeps you low to your board as well as providing a point for you to pivot around

Tips: As your board changes direction, so must your body and mind. Another golden rule of wave riding: Where your eyes look, your board will follow. This means that you must turn your head and upper body back toward the whitewater as your board turns. Halfway through the


your leading arm should be touching the wave face. This keeps you low to your board as well as providing a point for you to pivot around. Lean on your rail as hard as you can during this part of the turn to create a tight powerful arc. Be sure to watch the tip of your board as you turn because you want it to fit into the transition of the wave perfectly in order to maximize speed. As your board turns back towards the


you want to finish the turn. Stay low and focused on the front rail of your board, and how it fits into the transition of the wave.



Visual Cue: The nose of your board will be pointed toward the oncoming whitewater Finish the turn with your back leg straight and your weight over a bent front leg.


Tips: Once you have completed your turn the nose of your board will be pointed toward the oncoming whitewater, here you can be creative in your choice depending on the size and power of the wave, you can either aim high for the crest of the white water and essentially end your cutback with a lip re-entry or aim for the mid-section. Doing this will result in a very quick burst of speed from the waves power. (This does require great body & board stabilization). Or you can aim low and attempt to avoid the wave’s power and avoid being knocked down by the swirling foam. This may the safest route in bigger surf, but it does offer the best chance of losing the face of the wave and being left in the whitewater. Now that the turn is finished turn your board back towards the open face of the wave by pressing on your back foot. Watch the transition of the wave as you pivot so you don’t nosedive, and go straight into your next bottom turn.


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How To Pop Up On A Surfboard

How To Pop Up On A Surfboard

Beginners guide to pop up How to pop up


Learning the pop up is one of the most basic and vital movement that you will perform every time you go surfing making sure that you technique is good is critical to the start of every wave but also your progression. Below are a few key points for learning the pop up

You can practice the pop up pretty much anywhere it’s a good idea to practice on the floor as a beginner to help your body remember the techniques as well as condition your muscles by building up some arm strength.


Beginners guide to pop up How to pop up

Before you start you will need to know a few of the basic parts of the surfboard



Before you start to stand on the board you will need to figure out what stance you prefer. The best way to stand on a board is sideward you will need to play around with what stance feel more comfortable. If your “Regular” stance you will have your right foot at the back closer to the tail, and the left at the front closer to the centre of the board and if you’re “Goofy” it will be the opposite. Both these stance are the same it’s just down to your preference.


Positioning and Balance

The first thing to think about when laying on your board is positioning, making sure that your balance on the board or in the “sweet spot” is critical to a well-performed pop up

Tips for positioning

  • More weight on the front will increase planning speed and momentum when catching waves but also increase the chance of nose diving

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  • More weight on the back will give you more control and stability to manoeuvre a turn and also slow the board down. But too much weight on the tail may make it more difficult to catch waves and keep the board planning

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  • Balanced in the middle “sweet spot” this is the best of both worlds being able to paddle efficiently and maintain speed without sacrificing speed or manoeuvrability

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Pop up techniques

The surfing pop-up is essentially an explosive push up. This is how you get to your feet on a surfboard! To make the pop-up easier, practice several pop-ups on dry land every day. This will build up your arm strength and give you some muscle memory. When it comes time to do it on a surfboard you’ll have a much easier time.

Everyone’s surfing pop-up is slightly different, but for all intents and purposes, the pop-up technique is basically the same for everyone. The pop-up should be a single fluid motion. Don’t worry if you don’t get it exactly right the first few times. It will come with practice. You’ll also need to build up some muscles.

The key points of the pop up are.

  • Lie on your chest head facing the nose and feet just on the tail with your body straight
  • Place your hands flat on the board at the bottom of your ribcage (as if you were doing a press-up), board width apart Hands by your side, thumbs in line with lower ribskneeeees copy
  • Arch back; Push your chest off the board with your pelvis and upper thighs still in contact with the board.
  • Shortboard pop-ups – don’t spring from the toes! You need to use your upper body strength to launch forwards. It’s a lot harder, but a necessity if you’re a short border or wants to increase your core upper body strength.

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  • Without relying on your knees, bring your front foot forward under your body to approximately where your hands are. Your lower torso will twist. Both feet leave the board at the same time and both feet land back down at the same time.
  • Once you begin to land in the middle of the surfboard, it will remain flat so you can release your hands from the rails and rise. Your back foot will naturally follow—your feet should be parallel to your board’s stringer.

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  • Get front foot between hands), back foot should land about a shoulder width from the front foot
  • Twist your body from the hips moving up to a low bent knees position with your arms out helping balance and eyes looking forward. As you come up into the stance, continue looking where you’re going at your surfboard as you may need to start shifting your weight right away.

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  • Lean on your back foot for control or to initiate a turn.
  • Lean on your front foot to go faster!

Variations of the pop

One Knee First –

If you are having a little trouble getting to your feet with the pop-up, then there is a short-term solution to helping you get to the standing position. Instead of going straight up on to your feet, you can place the back foot first with is slightly less explosive.

  • Starting in the original pop up position push up with your arms

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  • Slide the foot you want at the back of the board forward so your kneeling on one knee

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  • In one motion bring you other knee forward and place it as close as you can in-between your hands

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  • Now push up with your hand and twist allowing your feet to become parallel with the board

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  • Slide the front foot up under you into the correct position making sure to keep your back foot and lower leg resting at the rear of the board.

Back foot first pop up

This technique may be slightly easier for beginners and has easier stages to follow but should only be used as a short-term solution to standing up

  • Push up into the prone position and bring your back foot forward about 14-18 inches this will open up the hips.

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  • Bring your other foot (front foot) forward underneath your chest as close to your hands as possible in the centre of the board

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  • Keep looking forward and push off the deck with your hands whilst twisting your hips to become parallel with the rails

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Stance is key to the longevity of your ride and also the control a bad stance will mean your ride is over quickly whereas a good stance will be able to maximize the time spend on a wave

Tips for stance

  • As you come up into the stance, continue looking where you’re going at your surfboard as you may need to start shifting your weight right away.

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  • Stand sideways on the surfboard. With either the right feet near the back, which is called “regular foot”, or with the left foot towards the back, which is called “goofy foot”.
  • Upper body centred. It is critical to keep your hips centred over your feet
  • Legs shoulder width apart. Then you can use weight shifts by applying more weight to one foot or the other to keep the board flat. The flatter the board stays the farther you will go on the wave.
  • Arms out: helping you to balance and also used as a guide to help direct your board were to go

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  • Looking forward: looking forward not only helps with balance and stability but it will be the key to turning and
  • Feet parallel in the centre of the board. The wider apart you can spread them the more balanced you will be and more control and stability of the board you will have.
  • Lean on your back foot to slow down or for control or initiate a turn. Lean on your front foot to go faster!

Practice this technique in the shallows in the whitewater until you can come up and surf at least half of the time. Then you will be ready to paddle out into some bigger waves.

Good luck





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Top 10 most influential surfers of all time


From surfing’s early beginnings as the “Sport of Kings” in Hawaii, it has held a certain sway over spectators and participants alike. While estimates of the number of surfers worldwide vary wildly (from 5 million to 23 million), there are a select few that, for one reason or another, have left an indelible mark on surfing. The interesting thing is that in most cases, it’s not so much for the actual act of surfing, but for what they did to significantly alter the course of things to come. From the Duke to Gidget, this is a list of Ten of surfing’s most influential people.


#10. Bruce Brown


Bruce Brown, creator of the surf film. Photo: Lucia Griggi/Lensbaby.


Bruce Brown did more to bring surfing to the non-surfing public than anyone else. Producer of surfing’s most influential and famous movie, The Endless Summer, Brown was born in 1937 in San Francisco. He made his first surfing movie at the age of 18 in Honolulu while he was in the navy, and made one every few years until 1964 when The Endless Summer was released.


Brown, along with Mike Hynson and Robert August, set out to film the perfect wave and ended up with 95 minutes of what would become a big part of surfing’s backbone in the years to come. In 1965, Bruce Brown showed the movie in Kansas, a landlocked state, and it outsold My Fair Lady, a film that won eight Academy Awards, including Best Picture. After being transferred to 35-mm and re-edited, Newsweek called it one of the 10 Best Films of 1966. Almost thirty years later, Brown filmed The Endless Summer II with his son, Dana. The sequel was an attempt to recreate that initial film, featuring Robert “Wingnut” Weaver and Pat O’Connell as they try and follow in the footsteps of Hynson and August. It missed the mark, ironically, largely in part to the evolutionary fire under surfing for which the first film was kindling.


The Endless Summer portrayed surfers differently than any other film before–not as lazy, beach-bum types, but as something a bit more passionate: people in search of perfection, and willing to go, literally, to the ends of the earth to find it. Bruce Brown also was the first to film the Banzai Pipeline. The groundbreaking footage he took of Phil Edwards that day in 1961 was featured in his fourth film, Surfing Hollow Days. 


#9. Sean Collins

A moment of silence for Sean Collins at his memorial paddle-out. Photo:Shawn Parkin


Sean Collins changed surfing forever.  Without him, modern surf forecasting wouldn’t be where it is today, leaving thousands of would-be surfers in their homes, wondering what to do with themselves. Born in Pasadena in 1952, Collins began surfing in the ’60s and took a serious interest in how waves were made, where they came from, and more importantly, where they were going to be. A college dropout with no meteorological training, Collins was a testament to passion: his love for surfing pushed him to learn something that eventually changed his life and the lives of millions of others like him. According to The Encyclopedia of Surfing, he packaged data from ships, NOAA charts and satellite photos to building his own surf forecasts. Early ’80s Baja trips turned into somewhat of a science experiment, with Collins plugging a fax machine into his car battery and throwing a hundred-foot antenna wire out and collecting satellite images of the Pacific before choosing the beach he was heading to.

In 1984, word of his wave-predictions had spread, and he joined Surfline, a new company that, before the arrival of the Internet, allowed people to get rough surf forecasts over the phone. In 1987, he left Surfline and founded WaveTrak, a service that did essentially the same thing as Surfline. In the early ’90s, the two companies merged, and began their takeover of the surf-forecasting world, keeping the name they still have today. In 1995, Surfline moved to the Internet, a previously uncharted territory, and turned the corner to what the company looks like now. In 1998, he bought the operation outright, then sold it in 2000 to, but maintained his position as lead-forecaster.

Collins’ forecasting opened doors to waves like Cortes Bank, a seamount a hundred miles off the coast of San Diego that changed big-wave surfing forever. When Sean Collins died in December of 2011, thousands of people honoured his life and his contributions to surfing in a paddle-out at Huntington Beach.

#8. Gidget

The original Gidget novel, created by Frederick Kohner in his 1957 novel "Gidget, The Little Girl With Big Ideas"

Kathy Kohner was born in Brentwood, California. In the mid-50s, the diminutive Kohner began frequenting Malibu and became somewhat of a mascot for the local contingent there, including the likes of Terry “Tubesteak” Tracy, Johnny Fain, and Miki Dora who helped paint the landscape of California surfing.

According to David Rensin’s All For a Few Perfect Waves, it was Tubesteak that gave her the name “Gidget” when he called her a girl-midget. The name stuck, and her father, a screenwriter, took on her story as a book project in 1957. In a month and a half, the novel was done and full of his daughter’s stories from the beach.  The book was turned into a movie in 1959 and turned into a phenomenon. The quiet perfection of 1950s Malibu was stormed by armies of inland surfers, all desperate for a piece of the lifestyle that was depicted. This was the true beginning of surf culture as we know it today: Surfer Magazine was founded the year after, and the Beach Boys began their meteoric rise to fame. The 1960s saw many more Gidget novels and films released. Interestingly, Gidget’s happy-go-lucky demeanour came hand-in-hand with Miki Dora’s angst-filled rhetoric against the crowding of his home break–two completely different outlooks on surfing and the lifestyle that goes with it born on the same beach at the same time in history.

#7. Jeff Spicoli

Hey bud, let's party. Jeff Spicoli.

For a non-existent person, the character played by Sean Penn in Fast Times at Ridgemont High has had a larger influence on how the non-surfing public views surfers than any other person, real or fake. Jeff Spicoli‘s role in the hugely successful Fast Times single-handedly threw the surfer-stoner blanket over the heads of everyone that stepped on a surfboard, which to the chagrin of many, is still something pervasive today.

Released in 1982 by Cameron Crowe, Fast Times at Ridgemont High became somewhat of a defining film for many surfers. It increased the numbers in one of surfing’s sub-cliques, and through its popularity in the American masses, did almost as much for the perception of surfers as Gidget. Fast Times at Ridgemont High was selected by the U.S. National Film Registry for preservation in 2005, being deemed ”culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant.”

6.  Nick Gabaldon

This is a scrimshawed portrait of Nick Gabaldon from one of the few photos that exist of him. Art: Peter Spacek

Nick Gabaldon was surfing’s Rosa Parks. Born in 1927, Gabaldon taught himself to surf in the 1940s at a segregated section of beach in Los Angeles called “The Inkwell,” located 12 miles north of Malibu. Sometime in the late ’40s or very early ’50s, Nick, not owning a car, made the long paddle to Malibu, surfed all day, then paddled all the way back. After following the same routine for nearly a month, some of the local surfers began giving him a lift, quietly speaking volumes and defying conventions in an America that, by enforcing racist lelegislation that weren’t formally dismantled until 1965) prevented many blacks from entering the ocean or swimming pools.

On June 5th, 1951, Nick Gabaldon surfed a solid south swell at Malibu. He was killed after riding into the pier. On February 7, 2008, a plaque in Santa Monica was dedicated to Gabaldon’s contributions to the sport of surfing, and June 1st was named “Nick Gabaldon Day.”

While not much is known of his early childhood (probably because of society’s view on race at the time), Gabaldon was a student at Santa Monica High. The barriers he broke were indicative of the direction America was moving at the time, and his hands were on a small part of a larger wheel.


5. Laird Hamilton

Dave Kalama dropping off Laird Hamilton at Jaws. Photo: Tim McKenna.

Despite the grumblings of a few in the surf community that Laird’s contributions to surfing have done more harm than good, the mark he’s left on it is undoubtedly a large one: his innovations have shaped the way people surf.

Born in San Francisco halfway through the ’60s, Laird Hamilton‘s father left the family to join the Merchant Marines when Laird was five months old. His mother took him to Oahu and married a man named Bill Hamilton. Laird began surfing at a very young age, largely in part to his mother’s new husband. Sometime in the early ’90s – accounts vary on the matter – former world tour pro Buzzy Kerbox and Laird Hamilton decided to try towing into waves from behind Kerbox’s boat. Tow surfing was born, and in a short period of time, Laird, along with a group of wildmen, had started a PWC-powered revolution, with its headquarters at Maui’s Jaws.

Hamilton excelled at much more that surfing, though: in 1990, he and Buzzy Kerbox crossed the English Channel in just under six hours. He held a European speed record in the mid-’80s after reaching a speed of 36 knots on a sailboard. He invented foil-boarding – which was not exactly an original idea, but the application to surfing was. Although foil-boarding never really took off, it is an reminder of Laird’s dedication to breaking boundaries.

On August 17, 2000, Hamilton broke more of those boundaries when he surfed what was then the thickest, heaviest wave ever ridden. Dubbed the Millennium Wave, his ride at Teahupoo cemented his already solid roll as surfing’s premiere big-wave surfer and rocketed him to an almost legendary status.


#4. Doc Paskowitz

Dorian "Doc" Paskowitz. Image: Art Brewer

While he would never agree, Dorian “Doc” Paskowitz can be considered one of the earliest pioneers of the shape of today’s surf culture. He spent nearly 25 years on the road, living in a succession of used campers. It is, quite possibly, the world’s longest surf trip. He and his wife raised nine children in those campers, soaking them in the ocean and their idea of how life should be lived.

He and his family have been referred to as “The First Family of Surfing.” Born in Texas in 1921 to a Jewish family, Doc graduated from Stanford Medical School at the age of 25. After a successful stint as a doctor, he packed his wife, Juliette, into a used camper van and started what would become one of the most interesting surf-centric lives ever. He and Juliette ended up raising nine children in a number of different vehicles, always on the move. His take on education, health, and how humans should spend their time didn’t mesh with society’s standards, and his children were steeped in his ideals – which, for the most part, drew few complaints.

Surfing’s slant on searching for waves can be, in part, attributed to Doc. What became a lifestyle that was slightly molded by the ideals found in such films as The Endless Summer was something that the Paskowitz family was unapologetically living, despite the public’s view of how things ought to be done.


#3. Kelly Slater

There is no surfer with more titles or fame than Kelly Slater. Photo: Aroyan

There aren’t too many people in the world of sport that even come close to Kelly Slater‘s accomplishments in surfing. As one of the winningest athletes ever, Slater’s victories span his entire career, starting from his rookie year. In ’91, he took home the Rookie of the Year award. In ’92, he took home the World Title after cementing it at Pipe. The 1990s saw Kelly Slater register possibly the most dominant performance of any athlete in any other sport. Banzai Pipeline was a major part of that dynasty, as he won the Pipe Masters in ’92, ’94, ’95, ’96, and ’99. Not to mention a few Backdoor Shootout titles. For perspective, imagine if Rookie of the Year, Nat Young, won the World Title next year, then continued to win for the next decade. By the time he was twenty, he was the youngest ever world champion.

Slater is from Cocoa Beach, Florida. Born in 1972, he began surfing at the age of six. By the time he was eleven, he was so far ahead of his competition it didn’t seem fair – winning four consecutive United States Surfing Championships. At eighteen, he turned professional and started on the road to where he is now: the best competitive surfer the world has ever seen.

In 1992, Slater took the role of Jimmy Slade on the hugely popular Baywatch, effectively rocketing him into star-status – and bringing surfing to the masses in a way that no one had before. After winning his sixth world title in 1998, Slater retired from full-time contest surfing. He started a band (which didn’t do very well, unlike almost everything else he touches) with Rob Machado and Peter King, fittingly and somewhat unoriginally called the Surfers.

In 2002, he returned to competitive surfing, and after a brief warm-up for the first year, Slater ran into Andy Irons and started surfing’s most-watched rivalry. By 2011, he had broken every pro surfing record. His home state of Florida has a Kelly Slater Day and a 10-foot tall statue of him. GQ Magazine called him one of the 25 Coolest Athletes of All Time, Surfer Magazine called him the Greatest Surfer of All Time, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a bipartisan resolution honoring Slater’s competitive achievements, and one of his surfboards is in the The National Museum of American History at the Smithsonian. Not bad for a guy that slides around on top of the water on a piece of foam.


#2. Miki Dora

Miki Dora in a magazine ad for his "Da Cat model." Photo: Pat Darrin

Miki Dora is, in large part, responsible for the rebel-side of surfing. The undisputed king of Malibu in the 1950s and early ’60s, “Da Cat” rode with what is possibly the most definitive style in surfing’s history. On and off the waves, Miklos “Miki” Dora carried himself in such a way that attracted throngs of followers and hangers-on, much to his very apparent disdain. Thought of as somewhat of a walking contradiction, Miki seemed to often seek out attention, then that is whoever gave it to him. For all of his fame and press, Dora remains today one of the least known surfers. While much of his personal life has been exposed on paper and in countless books, one thing that remains constant in almost all of them is his aura of mystery, who some say was slightly affected in an effort to stay in the public’s eye. He spent much of his life as a loner, not for lack of people in his life, but for his own personal dislike for most of them. “I don’t expect everyone to live my life,” he said in an interview. ”Why should they? It’s pretty lonely.”

Born in 1934 in Budapest, Hungary, Dora’s parents divorced before he was ten. His mother married a surfer named Gard Chapin from California, who, according to David Rensin in All For a Few Perfect Waves, drank heavily in his later years. Chapin was regarded at one point, as California’s best surfer, and introduced Miki to the sport at a young age. As a teen, he spent most of his time bouncing from San Onofre to Malibu, and frequented spots in between. As he grew older, though, he spent more time at Malibu, eventually mastering the wave in a way that no one had before, or has since. He turned his back on the Gidget-era, horribly disappointed with how Hollywood’s intervention on his beloved lifestyle changed it forever, but conflicted at how easy it was for him to make a quick buck in it,  part of the epicenter of the movement.

Dora died of cancer in 2002 at the age of 67, after a troubled few decades. A warrant was issued for his arrest in the early ’70s, which was quickly followed by a few more. By the mid-7os, he was on the run, and stayed that way until 1982, when he spent most of that year in jail. One of the most fitting descriptions of Miki Dora came from a London Times obituary that described him as a “West Coast archetype and antihero . . . the siren voice of a nonconformist surfing lifestyle.”


#1. The Duke

The Duke, Waikiki, around 1912. Photo: State Library of Queensland

Duke Kahanamoku is hailed as the father of modern surfing. A full-blooded Hawaiian from Honolulu, Hawaii, the Duke is responsible for spreading a view of surfing that has since soaked into the masses and stuck fast. Born in 1890, the original Beach Boy was the first of five children, all of which turned into extraordinary watermen in their own right. Kahanamoku however, was head and shoulders above them all. At the young age of 20, he broke the American short-distance swimming record for the 50-yard sprint and the beat 100-yard world record by almost five seconds. The next year, in 1912, he set another world record at the Olympics in Stockholm, Sweden. In 1920, he won gold in the both the 100 and 400-meter freestyle relay.

All this acclaim brought him–and his surfing–to the forefront of the public’s perception of watermen.

After a disc jockey from Honolulu became his manager in 1961, the Duke became the face of a litany of businesses that used his surfer image paired with the now-popular Hawaiian lifestyle.

At the age of 77, Duke Kahanamoku died of a heart attack, after a lifetime of piling the building blocks that would become modern surfing. He was named Surfer of the Century in 1999, and the U.S. Postal Service issued a stamp honouring him in 2002.


originally posted on the Inertia Managing Editor by  Alexander Haro



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The Top 10 Waves To Surf Before You Die

Barra De La Cruz
When: April—October
Where: “Barra” as it’s called, is located 30 minutes from Huatulco in Oaxaca, Mexico.
Why: Unveiled to the surfing world during the epic Rip Curl Search event years ago, with ideal wind, swell direction, tide, and sandbars, Barra De La Cruz is one of the best right-handers in the world with both barrel and turn sections galore.
Local Knowledge: Bring some surf gear to the locals—your kindness could pay off in the form of set waves. And you didn’t hear it from us, but the whole state of Oaxaca is loaded with excellent surf, and thanks to an article in Surfing Magazine that pissed off the locals, no pros with photographers for the next two years.

Lower Trestles
When: April—October
Where: On the border of Orange and San Diego County in SoCal.
Why: A long right and quick, rampy left, Lowers is commonly known as one of the most rippable waves in the world.
Local Knowledge: Beat the crowd by surfing on a Sunday afternoon.

Jeffrey’s Bay
When: April—September
Where: 45 miles from Port Elizabeth on the southern tip of South Africa.
Why: In a world filled with perfect rights, J-Bay stands at the top of the list.
Local Knowledge: Don’t drop in on the guys wearing white jerseys over their wetsuits and time your entry or else you’ll be smashed into the rocks.

When: April—October
Where: In the southern part of the Mentawai Island chain off the coast of Sumatra, Indonesia.
Why: With a barrel off the takeoff followed by a long, smashable wall, it is hands down the most rippable wave in the world.
Local Knowledge: Get photo and video of yourself here—you’ll never surf better than out at Maccas.

When: Year-round but best in the summer months.
Where: The quaint little slice of heaven known as Los Angeles.
Why: Yeah it’s crowded as all hell and you’ll probably get run over by Matthew McConaughey’s SUP but where else can you surf in the shadow of Miki Dora and California’s pioneers?
Local Knowledge: You can drop in on anyone except Allen Sarlo. Movie stars especially are fair game. Malibu.

When: Can break anytime but most consistent April—October.
Where: Tavarua, Fiji.
Why: One of the most perfect left tubes on the planet. On the right wave, you literally sit in the barrel the entire length of the wave.
Local Knowledge: Don’t fall! The bottom at Restaurants is sharp, shallow, and littered with watches, jewelry, fins, skin, and probably a few GoPro cameras.

Snapper Rocks
When: February—July
Where: Coolangatta on the Gold Coast of Australia.
Why: Yeah it’s insanely crowded but it’s also one of the longest, most shred-friendly rights on the planet.
Local Knowledge: Don’t go during the Quiksilver Pro in late February/early March. Sit by the rocks, be aggressive, and you’ll get one eventually.

When: October—April
Where: Smack dab in the middle of the “Seven Mile Miracle” on the North Shore of Oahu.
Why: With the intensely regulated lineup and fiery locals you won’t get the best waves, but just paddling out at Pipe is a rush in and of itself.
Local Knowledge: Surf before the sun comes up for your best shot at a good one out there.

When: October—March
Where: Central California near the little town of Carpentaria.
Why: Because it’s “The Queen Of The Coast” and the best right in California.
Local Knowledge: Don’t let the crowd dissuade you, start at the top of the point and find your sweet spot in that mass of humanity.

When: April—September
Where: The end of the road on the island of Tahiti.
Why: To get the barrel of your life.
Local Knowledge: While the mags generally portray “Chopes” as the deadliest wave in the world, at four foot and the right swell direction, it’s ridiculous how tubed you can get without fear of dying.

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TOP TIPS To Help Make Your Wetsuit Last Longer!!!

Although its the quickest way to dry your suit for the next session, hanging it up in direct sunlight means a shorter life for your neoprene. 


Next to buying a new board, investing in a fresh wetsuit is one of the most expensive purchases a surfer will make in a given year. With most new suits retailing above £300, you want your investment to last. We rang up Joanne Huebner of Froghouse Surfshop in Newport Beach for advice on extending the life of your rubber. With more than 20 years of experience repairing neoprene, she knows how to get your suit through another winter.


Fit Matters:

Having a comfortable suit that fits will not only make for a better session but can also extend the life of your suit. “If your wetsuit doesn’t fit properly, you’re not only going to be uncomfortable, but you’re going to be slowly ruining your suit as well,” says Joanne. “If your suit is too small, you’re constantly stretching it out further than it should, putting tension on the seams and rubber that will lead to holes and tears.”


Dry it in the Shade:

One of the absolute worst things you can do for your suit is to leave it in the sun. “It’ll dry out all of the rubber and shrink it up, which means you’re gonna start creating some holes and tears. Dry your suit out in the garage or in your shower, but never leave it to dry out in the sun.”


Don’t let it Rot:

One of the quickest ways to shorten the life expectancy of your suit is to wad it up and throw it in your trunk. Not only will your car smell like a gas station urinal the next time you get in, but if left soaking wet for too long, the rubber in the suit will begin to deteriorate. When you do hang your suit, don’t hang it wet over a hanger. “If your suit is soaking wet and you hang it on a regular small hanger, you’re actually stretching it out. The weight of the wet rubber will pull at the legs and stretch out the suit, creating tension in the shoulders that can lead to tears and holes. Drape your suit over something wide so there’s no tension pulling at any part of the suit.”



The salt from the ocean can be one of the biggest factors in killing your suit. After each session, wash it off in fresh water, inside and out. “I’ve seen a lot of people bring in their suits and you can tell that they’re not washing it all the way off and only doing it halfway. You’ll see that the ankles and other places that they didn’t clean will start to tear.”


Kill the smell:

If your suit’s grown a bit ripe and no amount of freshwater rinsing seems to do the trick, there’s still hope. Fill up your bathtub with warm water and add a splash of Woolite. “That seems to help out a lot if your suit gets too stinky,” adds Joanne. “But keep in mind one of the worst things you can do is to throw it in the washing machine. If you just soak it in the tub with Woolite, that’ll do the trick.”

Utilize The Warranty:

Shit happens. Zippers break, seams tear, holes abound. Despite taking the utmost care for your suit, problems will inevitably arise. Fortunately, most good suits come with a warranty. Use it. “Most people that come to me for repairs come in with problems that could have been fixed with their warranty, but they waited too long,” says Joanne. “When you get a new wetsuit, take note of the seems zippers, knee patches and leg holes. Most of the problems can be replaced by the company. Just save the warranty card and your receipt.”


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