The Ultimate “KOOK” Test?
16 Reasons You Might Be A Kook
For generations the term “kook” has been used to describe many a surfer if the term sound familiar it might be because you have used it to describe another surfers or other surfs have described you as a “Kook” but what really is a kook and how can you tell if you are one?
In the surf world nothing is more infamous than the world kook it’s been in pretty much every Hollywood surf movie since the 60s the term in the surfing scene prodomantly means “poser”, or someone basically who pretends to be someone they not trying to fit in with surfing image whilst exaggerating their claims to surfing ability and experience. It can also mean some one that doesn’t follow the surfing etiquette or ruins waves for others.
A definition of a kook could be described as “a mad or eccentric person” or A person regarded as strange, eccentric, or crazy.
But as surfers it’s a lot more about how your act what you wear and the equipment you ride for instance a kook might be some one posing very hard as a surfer because they like the idea of the surf lifestyle but can’t actually surf,
Surfing is mainstream whether we like it or not it’s been in newspapers magazines video for the last 30 years but with the rise of mainstream surf culture comes the rise in kooks that also want a little piece of that surf lifestyle. Who wouldn’t want to surf all day in the sunshine and life the care free life of a 60s pro sponsored surfer form everything from “surfer style hair ” to your surf yoga retreats in Bali it’s never been easier to taste a little of the surfing lifestyle.
With more surfers than ever entering the waters and carparks of our favourite surf sports there will be a rise in the kooks of the world, but you might be thinking I been surfing a while but am I a kook?
Are You A Kook?
Well the best way to tell is if you answer yes to any of the following questions
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All the stickers but can’t surf
(a classic sign for newbies and kooks alike is stickering up your brand-new board like a fully sponsored athlete but then paddling out like you about to drown is a no go)
You don’t know the surfing rules or etiquette
(You act like you know them, but you paddle obliviously in to wave and drop in on people with priority with little regarding for other surfers in the line-up)
You wear board shorts outside your wetsuit
(an instant kook labelling for anyone who does this no leeway)
You fall off a lot in a very clumsy way
(falling off in weird ways and postures is a clear sign that you haven’t mastered the basics of a surf stance)
You’re surfing is out of control
(You can’t control your board and are surfing literally like a torpedo heading towards surfers paddling back out in the line-up)
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You try and run before you can walk
(You surf ok and have some experience form surf lessons and camps, but you paddle out into line-ups that are way beyond you surfing skill level)
You pretend to be better than you really are
(You brag about waves you caught and bigging up your surf game without having the skill to back it up)
Put your Wetsuit on backwards
(We may have all had this kooking moment at one time or another especially if you don’t realise even the pros get it wrong some times, but its always a telling sign if you paddle out with your knee pads on the back of your legs and the zip at the front)
You have a brightly colours wetsuit but can’t surf
(In the surf world peacocking matters. Same as a surfboard full of sticker, The colour of your wetsuit matters just like a peacock if you got the loudest bright pink or neon yellow wetsuit you going to attract a lot of attention. If your surfing not up to par it’s only going to label you as a kook)
You wear boots of gloves with board shorts
(It’s a common sight in warmer weather and tropical destinations wearing booties or gloves with boards shorts to protect your feet and hands from the rocky walk out. For most it’s a rite of passage as we do the reef dance all the way out)
You carry your board wax side closest to you
(A telling sign you don’t know what you are doing is walking up to a surf spot with the freshly waxed board facing your wetsuit or board shorts quickest way to tell how long you been surfing?)
Put your fins in backwards or wrong side
(Many funny surf pictures have been taken with the fins in the wrong way. we have all seen someone in a car park or walking on the beach with the fins of the board facing the wrong way instants kookery)
You drop and snake everybody in the line up
(sometimes because you an asshole sometimes because you a kook, but either way it’s never good)
You checked the kook tests
(That’s right if you needed to know if you are a kook you Problay are!!! only joking we all have our kooking moments from time to time even the pros have moments when they make a simple mistake or a kook mistake, if you are a kook its ok you can embrace it and take measure to make sure you not seen as one next time you visit your local break
You checked the kook tests
(That’s right if you needed to know if you are a kook you Problay are!!! only joking we all have our kooking moments from time to time even the pros have moments when they make a simple mistake or a kook mistake, if you are a kook its ok you can embrace it and take measure to make sure you not seen as one next time you visit your local break
Hopefully you found our Kook test a bit of fun and didn’t take it to heart if you have any other ideas or things they you find kooky send us a message and we will be sure to add them to our kook test
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