How To Calculate Sup Volume

by | Oct 27, 2018

How To Calculate Your Perfect Sup Volume

So you’ve just got into stand-up paddle boarding and are looking for your first paddle board, there are a few things to think about. One of the main considerations is volume. In a stand-up paddleboard (SUP), this is the amount of volumetric space measured in cubic litres (the amount of foam or flotation in litres). Roughly, a SUP’s length X width X thickness will yield its volume. However, the placement of the volume, as well as the outline and concave, can greatly affect the overall volume and character of a board.

Things To Consider

Your ideal SUP volume can change depending on your weight, age and skill level as well as your discipline (flat-water recreation, downwind, race, waves, wave type). To work out your ideal volume you can use the volume equation above or the volume calculator below.

To use the volume calculator chart below, find your weight in kilogrammes (kg) and follow the coloured line that relates to your skill level. The point where the lines meet is your ideal volume.

Our SBS volume calculator should be used as a guide to the amount of volume you need. Getting the right volume in your SUP is critical to your success. Use the following guide to help determine your volume at different skill levels.

For further information contact us directly via our email. info@sbsboards


8 + 6 =

Step 1: Select your weight from the drop-down box below.

Step 2: Select your height from the second drop-down box. and press calculate at the bottom

Step 3: Choose board model, length, width and thickness to get as close to matching your target volume as possible. Make note of all specifications then order online or contact us to place your order.

Please note: volumes generated here are estimates based on varying skill levels, body weight, gender and SUP location. They are not a perfect answer to every person’s situation but a useful tool to help you choose your new SBS Stand up paddleboard

Volume Calculator

Find out your optimum surfboard volume



Thanks, we will contact you soon


92 Litres

115 Litres

125 Litres

135 Litres

145 Litres

155 Litres

165 Litres

175 Litres

185 Litres

195 Litres

205 Litres

215 Litres

225 Litres

229 Litres

235 Litres

240 Litres

245 Litres

You need to select an item to continue


80 Litres

87 Litres

94 Litres

102 Litres

109 Litres

117 Litres

124 Litres

132 Litres

139 Litres

147 Litres

155 Litres

45 Litres

170 Litres

177 Litres

185 Litres

192 Litres

200 Litres

You need to select an item to continue


You need to select an item to continue

Beginner Volume

101 Litres

110 Litres

120 Litres

134 Litres

144 Litres

154 Litres

164 Litres

174 Litres

184 Litres

194 Litres

204 Litres

214 Litres

224 Litres

234 Litres

184 Litres

254 Litres

265 Litres

You need to select an item to continue


You need to select an item to continue

Your Volume

we estimate you will want :


Description Information Quantity Price
Discount :
Total :

Volume Calculator

Find out your optimum SUP volume



Thanks, we will contact you soon


92 Litres

115 Litres

125 Litres

135 Litres

145 Litres

155 Litres

165 Litres

175 Litres

185 Litres

195 Litres

205 Litres

215 Litres

225 Litres

233 Litres

245 Litres

255 Litres

265 Litres

You need to select an item to continue


80 Litres

87 Litres

94 Litres

102 Litres

109 Litres

117 Litres

124 Litres

132 Litres

139 Litres

147 Litres

155 Litres

145 Litres

170 Litres

177 Litres

185 Litres

192 Litres

200 Litres

You need to select an item to continue


You need to select an item to continue

Beginner Volume

101 Litres

110 Litres

120 Litres

134 Litres

144 Litres

154 Litres

164 Litres

174 Litres

184 Litres

194 Litres

204 Litres

214 Litres

224 Litres

234 Litres

244 Litres

254 Litres

265 Litres

You need to select an item to continue


You need to select an item to continue

Your Volume

we estimate you will want :


Description Information Quantity Price
Discount :
Total :

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