Behind The Scene Of SBS Promo Video Fuerteventura

In Earlie December the conditions were right and we set out to shoot a promotional video for our 2017 sups. Needing an expert in videography and film making we found the hugely talented  Mauro Ladu at his website based in the beautiful Island of Fuerteventura. Ideal for its incredible scenery and stunning land scrap not to mention the winter surf this was the perfect location to test the 2017 sups.


We also got our stand up paddleboard team rider from Fuerteventura Narcy and his girl friend Lisa to be the star of our videos as Narcy’s is very talented in both Race and surf SUP as well as being a local, knowing the perfect spots for waves and shooting.

Check out just some of our video promotions below



With Mauros expertise and vast knowledge of natural light, we maximized the days shooting getting the morning golden hour and other shots at the most perfect times of day to get those extra special shots.

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Mauros extensive knowledge and equipment allowed us to be versatile in our approach to shooting with a number if different angles whether it be land water or air using his drone  as well as his years of experience shooting surfers from the water with his water housing to create some of the most visually stunning clips of the film.


Our team rider Narcy has probably one of the most dream set up locations with his house and apartments that he runs and owns with girlfriend Lisa right in front of one of the best wave in Fuerteventura. Rocky Point provided us with some incredible waves and an almost empty line up ideal for our shoot and with Narcys mass of knowledge about this wave he kept catching waves all day.



Fuerteventura provided us with some of the most idyllic locations to shoot from blue lagoons to white sand beaches to once of the most beautiful island back drops in all of the canaries. Fuerteventura gave us all the clips we needed and more in just 2 days.big-rocket-3


If your interested in going to Fuerteventura and looking for a photographer/videographer or a business looking to make a promotional video I couldn’t recommend Mauro enough as his local knowledge of the island is key to any success full trip.

You can see some of his other productions in the link below


If you are looking to get some waves like seen in the video or just looking to get one of the best vies on the island check out this apartments owned and run by team rider Narcy and Girlfriend Lisa. Narcy can give you all the info you need about surfing and supping as well as renting boards and giving a few tips from a local pro.



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